Cheryl from the Columbia River Roadhouse took a video of Dan playing Ring of Fire. It was great show with three sets of original and covers. Spent the rest of the weekend hanging out in Long Beach, Washington.
DKB (Duo) Seaside, October 3rd
New Song: “Fiddling while Oregon Burns”
Following the regular Sunrise Movement protest at the Oregon Department of Transportation (Region One), Dan played a few songs for folks who were wrapping up plus the ODOT employees who were returning after being scared away by young people who care about their future. Original music by Dan Kaufman. Video by Phil Sano.
Tomorrow's show and New Song
Come see the solo act and first show since the pandemic. Dan has several news songs including this one, Without The Truth. Show is Saturday June 19, 2021 at the Schooner Lounge in Beautiful Netarts Bay, Oregon.
Words and Music by Dan Kaufman- 2021
D A C G E C A (chords)
Without the truth, you need not hear me?
Without the truth, there is no unity
With all the fear, without a tear
With all the hate, with all the mirrors
You can not see me
Can you now feel me?
Without the love, what is the point?
Sweet Lord above, and you know Heyzoos, well they put them in the joint
All the ice, it wasn’t nice
It wasn’t fair to tear apart all the families
That was your family
(Modulate to B for Bass solo then back to A for Harmonica solo)
Without Repair Our Ship is Sunk
We can pray for luck or Jettison the junk
All we need is all right here
for all of them for all of us
Unpack the trust, just takes a little trust
New Music: "Ride On, Stride On"
Our new release Ride On, Stride On debuts today exclusively on bandcamp. The song is meant to inspire perseverance during life's hardships and is a counterpoint to The Hurricane Song that we released last June.
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The Hurricane Song for 2020
2020 has been a Hurricane of a year. We produced this song last spring and then I pretty much left The Dan Kaufman Band on a back burner. The space for the project was not there and did not feel right to me. But I never can stay away from music for long and new stuff is on the way.
I feel like the Hurricane Song really reflected my life this year. Being thrown into tumult and trying to remember what is truly important: love and life.
A hurricane will land and blow you far away
And then you’ll long for that record you wanted to play
It’s the one that’s got your brand new favorite song
The one you were going to teach all your friends to sing along
That one about love
That one about love, love, love, love, Life
Well you take that sand and you fill it up in the jar
Until there’s no room left for what you really are
You turn around and see that what you lack
Is the old guitar in the brand new back pack
Let’s talk about love
Let’s talk about love, love, love, love, Life
Don’t bother walking with a pebble up in your shoe
But who am I to tell you what you ought to do?
You’ll find the path but first you’ll you’ll find the way
and then you’ll drop the needle on the record you wanted to play
That one about love
That one about love, love, love, love, Life
DanKaufmanBand copyleft 2020
New Song: "Ride On" plus "Just Begun"
Inspiration from and for this huge and historical movement we are in. "Ride On" is a brand new song for the band and still a work in progress. Plus I recorded "Just Begun" the song I was going to make an record of back this winter but held off on it because of corona and funding.
DK Live Apr9- The Tough Get Goin'
Dan does some experimental TV, sings songs, and talks about stuff. Last live show for now.
DK Live Apr8
Dan does some experimental TV, sings songs, and talks about stuff.
DK Live Apr7
Dan does some experimental TV, sings songs, and talks about stuff.
This is a Portland area Community PSA and call to action. Access to clean drinking water in our Metro area is dangerously limited for the houseless community. Many of our neighbors are having to resort puddles and rainwater. This is a sanitation and health crisis.
Here is a video I shot yesterday while making some water deliveries. -Show video-
There was just one bathroom open at the facility I just showed and ONLY the toilet has running water. I am not anything like public health expert but it seems to me not having access to water to drink or for sanitation is as great threat to community health. In the metro area we need our government agencies to step up to water and sanitation so campers can have basic access. So far, it’s not happening. I will spare showing you pictures I found of the porta-pottys that were made available, downtown. They appear unmaintained, overflowing and without sanitizer or toilet paper. Water fountains and spigots are off across the state.
Here are calls to action: Contact your elected representatives at all levels of government and make them away of the issue of no access and the risk to the community especially to the most vulnerable. Second, I propose that area residents WHO CARE start placing hoses with spigots AND soap near sidewalks so people can fill water containers and wash their hands. Even IF we can get our government to act it will still be difficult to reach everyone. Community members with the resources have the ability to bring online thousands of water stations immediately and dispersed across the city. I clearly understand these presents its own set of problems. If you have a better ideas, I am all ears.
Thanks, Dan
Dan does some experimental TV, sings songs, and talks about stuff. Special guest Stephanie Strange
DKB Music & News - Livestream Apr2
DKB Music & News - Livestream- March 30th (Airs 4pm PDT)
DKB Music & News - Livestream- March 27
DKB Music & News - Livestream - March 26th
Dan plays songs and talks about things.
DKB Music & News - Livestream -March 25
Wednesday March 25th Webcast. VIDEO STARTS at 09:05
Lyrics draft: We Are All In This Together
We are all...
A short message from a borrowed 1936 Underwood typewriter.
My COVID Spring Manifesto
I will be producing and promoting music, videos, a comic book, and historical thought. I will do this by myself, with my family, and in collaboration with others.
I will be homeschooling and exercising with my sons especially my youngest.
I will be building a mutual aid network with my neighbors.
I will be providing and developing web-streaming services using the DiscoTrike.
I will be organizing my home and making repairs A place for everything and everything in it’s place.
I will be talking on the phone with friends, video calling when possible, and writing post cards.
I will do this slowly, deliberately, without panic, and with compassion for myself and others.